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P4P Community Graduates

Pastors4PCORI (P4P) trains community members


P4P Class of 2016

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P4P Class of 2017

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P4P Class of 2021

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Peer Testimonials

Team Maria     

“There were some outstanding presentations. …and certainly, as I went back to view the presentations, I found them to be outstanding and very informative"

"I had to stretch down deep within myself to come up with ideas and solutions that I really didn’t know I had." … 

"what has stuck with me with this whole entire program [is] to know that it was closely related to the things of my heart.”

Team Hearing-Helping Hands

“I must push myself more … to do more outreach of communicating with others and getting that information … that I really need to work on that … and doing something I’m not in my comfort zone, you know you could be comfortable and doing some other things, but I need that push you know, to really go after it…

[Although] I [did]  just feel uncomfortable … I knew that there was support”

Team Sabrena/Selina

“The thing that stayed with me the most was the vast amount of 
information and misinformation that is out there, so much of it is 
true and reality based, or evidence based. A lot of it is hogwash but one of the points that really stuck with me is how, well, they have pinpointed people that are refusing to get vaccinations, which is something that we’re still struggling with. I know that we need to do some more work in terms of educating people in terms of what they need because people still need it …

the camaraderie and help from everybody. That did not surprise me. You guys are always more than willing to say hey Okay, let me show you which way to go. So, for that I’m grateful and I knew it would be that way. I did not think that we would  have problems. Anybody, everybody you can call to say hey I don’t know what I’m doing and they’re like okay wait what are you doing let’s get down to it, let’s work on so for that I’m grateful and thankful, and I say thank you.”

Team Indiana

“We worked hard on this project. We came from two different directions and got it done.”

“What stayed with me is how you have to work hard to research and get all the pieces together and work it and still move forward to come up with what looks like a really good project.” 

“We didn’t know that [our project was good] until everybody said that was really good that was really good.” 

“A lot of the things that I thought were good did not get put in, but we only had 30 minutes, I think we could have gone an hour.”

“I realized if you want to do research you’ve got to do the work. And it’s kind of a shame to think about researchers and how much work you have to put in and you don’t get half of what you really deserve.” 

“I found the experience daunting and overwhelming, at times, because we all have so much that we’re trying to juggle.”
“In terms of the takeaway I think it helped [us] to home in on multiple things not only in our project but other [church] projects kind of bled in when you look at the totality. COVID is having a direct impact on our ability to even begin to pilot a program because we’re not able to really bring children together and adults together safely."

“At this point in time, our church just reopened last week.  So, we’re having challenges and trying to deal with the unvaccinated the vaccinated and you’re dealing with children who are underage and cannot be vaccinated and so from an exposure perspective, we do not want to engage at this point in time with a voluntary program when there’s so much stress - parental stress and students’ stress. You know something that is an extracurricular activity and potential liability for the Church.”

“We learned that neither of us work the same and I drove Team Indiana crazy because I am juggling multiple balls…”

“Learn what strengths each of you bring to a project and then utilize and capitalize on those strengths to bring it home - preferably in a  coherent manner = so that people will be able to understand the aims that you’re trying to achieve AND the outcomes you’re trying to achieve.”

“That time clock really races and when you’re presenting and you’re not sure if you are being as coherent as you hope you are in that time frame  - [maybe] there were things that were not stated that could have. It helped to make it more clear and drive some key points home.”
“Overall it was a great learning experience for myself.  We are in a holding pattern at this point in time, as I said, because of the unrelenting mutations of COVID, so we are not able to move forward with this at this point in time.”

Team Priscilla

“I had a magnificent team. Some of who I knew, some of whom I did not know. Even with those you know, they key is being open to receive information and be able to work cooperatively together that you can get things done.”
“The topic that we chose is still an ongoing subject matter, because we are seeing that there’s still vacillation that’s going on between the health department, the board of education…”

“Bringing the kids back into the school and safety, that was our topic and I didn’t think that it would be as relevant as it was. But it’s going to be an ongoing theme that will be relevant and probably until the end of the earth because of this variance that keep popping up.” 

“I am very happy that I got chance to  know people [and] they got an opportunity to get to know me and that we came together collectively and I think we did a dynamic presentation.”

“[Our mentors helped] keeping us on the right road, sometimes you deviate because there’s so much information that you’re collecting and gathering. They were able to show us how to weed out and bring in the most relevant information.”
“I think we could have used more time in doing our presentation, but the time [allotted] lets us know that you have to go through information and you’ve got to dig and pull out the most relevant [bits] that will hit the target and enlighten people and get them to thinking that what you presented is important that it needs to be followed up.”

“The one thing I want to share is the cost of information [and not processing it]  … it’s about staying abreast with what’s relevant and current. Referencing resources that’s connected to the topic that I was associated with in terms of environmental safety  and keeping in mind that how this information is implemented in realistic situations when you’re in the workplace
all of the information in  various articles isn’t [getting through] there’s new sources all types of information that’s coming to us on a consistent basis. You keep that in mind when you’re at work and for someone else it may be, you know it may not even be on their mind this is what we’re supposed to do so you’re educating. Especially with the

“I’ve been constantly saying we need to do this because we all want to stay healthy, I want to stay healthy, I want you to stay healthy. That’s why we need to make sure we wear masks, so nose and mouth are covered.  
It’s making that transition of what you’ve learned and trying to implement that in the workplace. If it’s relevant you see that connection, it’s very important.”

Team Sharon

“What I really took away from the research project was that it was all about commitment - commitment to see a finished project [which] takes dedication, it takes time.” 

“I would [have] liked to have more people on my team, and like it was stated earlier, I came across a lot of information that I really wanted to share, but it was the fact of pulling out what was absolutely [relevant] to help a community of people.”

“I’m proud of myself for even finishing off the whole research project. The information that I came up with, the resources, actually helped me and I was glad for that because if it helps me then I am sure it would be able to help somebody in the Community and I thought,  that’s what research is really all about .. we’re doing it [research] to help the disparities in the Community, 
being able to actually pick out one particular aspect of what’s going on right now and be able to come up with ways that people can actually help themselves without being out of pocket as a result.”

“[I took away] the commitment that it took to getting that particular job done. Presenting in a way that is understandable and acceptable to everyone was beneficial to me and I enjoyed it.”

Team M.O.M.

“What has stayed with me, since we started training was the confidence [in the room]”
“After every training module we were asked  how can we support you,  do you need follow up? And some weeks, I was like you know I don’t know what I’m doing even when I pivoted from my topic into a new topic. The mentor support really brought my project and my presentation  home.”

“I have some background and research, but a lot of people, [for lack of a better word lay persons from the Community] don’t. [the one thing I am taking away is we took a group of Community members and are transforming ourselves into researchers to research things that we see.”
“It’s not [just] a thought anymore, we’re implementing and putting it into action. And we’re actually taking the time to compose quality research [topics] so my takeaway is the confidence [of the community group] —  we are becoming confident [and that means having] the confidence that I can go out and participate in research or I can go out and talk to someone who is on a board or who is working in the Community for something that I’m already interested in and to build that connection.”

Founders, HUB Core Teams & Supporting Stakeholders

Image by Pedro Lastra
Image by James Coleman
Beaded Necklace
Supportive Friend
Music Class
Image by Aaron Burden
Candle in Hands

Regina Greer-Smith, MPH, LFACHE, is the president and owner of Healthcare Research Associates.

Regina has helped to build and maintain many collaborations between communities and researchers that enable improved healthcare outcomes with the goal of increasing participation rates in research and clinical trials. 

City of Hope:Partnered for Action in Research (PAIR)

Member of Southern California CTSI Team 

Voice of Engagement for PCORI

Team Priscilla ( Priscilla, Karen, Zetta and Nicole)  presented the HUB topic: Implementation of Environmental Safety Measures in Chicago Public Schools during COVID-19

 "[being part of this  ... gives me the ability to enrich and enhance my knowledge ... and being a part of the presentation that we did recently gave me an opportunity to move from that first initial step when my apostle engaged me.  You find out that you have the capability … working with a group of different individuals, you find out what your strengths and your weaknesses are."

Thanking Dr Miles for the excellent support and guidance he provided to Team Donald, Team Maria and Team Sharon and the fantastic training activities he shared and delivered.

Extending our appreciation to Blair Aikens, MPH; Dana Harper, BS; Rachelle Paul-Brutus, MPH ; Donna
Scrutchins, BS; Yaa Simpson, MPH  Authors of the State of Health for Blacks in Chicago

Thank you for your support and guidance 

Beverly Rogers  

PCORI Ambassador and Patient Engagement Advisory Panel Member (Class of 2018)

“One activity I'm proud of is membership on the Advisory Panel on Patient Engagement.  The members help refine and prioritize research questions with the goal of ensuring patient-centeredness in all of PCORI’s work”

Fatema uses the PCOR framework in her work with a social services organization that links patients and caregivers to healthcare and social services, thereby improving healthcare access and tackling health and healthcare inequities. See her fantastic work via the EW Award 

Equipping Muslims with PCORI-based Action-Oriented Tools for Research Engagement 

Sharon Lowe

Sharon was Team Leader for the HUB topic : Emerging Core Challenges to Mental Health 

Sharon is working with Dr Lindsay Sheehan at Chicago Health Disparities Center, IIT

Donald Adams PCORI Patient Engagement Advisory Panel Class of 2021

Donald was Team Leader for the HUB topic Resilient Youth Leadership Training and worked with Dr. James Miles

Team M.O.M

Sharisse led HUB CORE Team M.O.M - 

Midwifery Over Mortality (MOM):

Faith-based churches offering birthing
alternatives to black women of childbearing age. She engaged Ariel Thomas at Ever Thrive & community engagement liaison at ARCC as a expert stakeholder. 

Team Maria

Dr Carey led Team Maria in investigation of the topic - how to bridge the gap to connect with mental health services. She is currently a member of the ARCC funded Promoting Psychological Wellbeing Community Advisory Board

Team Indiana

Robin and Bev co-led the topic Music the Intergenerational Language

TEAM Sabrena and Selina

The topic of Team Sabrena and Selina's HUB presentation was The Effect of COVID on the Community: the effect on adults 19-35. Both lead Triedstone's Health Ministry

Team Hearing Helping Hands

Angela was the CORE lead for Team Hearing Helping Hands. She reached out to several stakeholders for advice and guidance including Access Living Chicago. 

Total  Resource Community Development Organization 


1415 W 104th Chicago, IL

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