Pastors4PCOR News
Presentations and Webinars
Sanctuary with Bishop Simon Gordon
Research Engagement with Dr. Paris Davis

February 2021, CRLMC Video: Pastors4PCOR
PCORI video: Building Trust with Patients in Diverse Communities.
Community Engagement and Implementation Science: Challenges and Opportunities

In our presentation we share some of challenges and opportunities of implementing a community intervention within a scientific research study framework.
In partnership with the We Will Chicago 2023 Celebration of Healing, Public Narrative organized holistic public health conversations, generating solutions to improve health systems in Chicago through its Power in the Public Narrative webinar series. Take a moment to view two conversations with TRCDO/P4P:
March 30, 2023: Faith-Based Communities Building Engagement Linkages with Researchers
April 27, 2023: Community Emotional Stability Through a Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership
Power in the Public Narrative is sponsored by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and Northwestern Medicine.

Full List of Presentations and Webinars about P4P
May 2016, Community-Campus Partnership for Health International Conference, New Orleans; oral presentation: Building the Capacity of faith-based communities to engage in health education initiatives.
March 2017, Northwestern University Research Symposium, Chicago; ARCC awardees; poster presentation: Pastors 4 PCOR: Engaging Faith Based Communities.
November 2017, PCORI Annual Conference, Washington DC; Panelist: Bishop Gordon; poster presentation: Pastors 4 PCOR: Engaging Faith Based Communities.
November 2017, Balm in Gilead, Healthy Churches 2020 South Carolina; oral presentation: Engaging Faith Based Communities with Health Research.
April 2018, Faith and Health Conference, The Guide Project, Chicago; panel presentation: Research Engagement from the Research Ministry Ambassador Perspective.
October 2018, American Public Health Association (APHA), San Diego; poster presentation: Prioritizing health conditions and health factors of importance to faith-based communities: Results from a survey administered by faith-based community members in Illinois and Arkansas.
December 2018, Institute for Public Health & Medicine, Northwestern University; poster presentation: Community Health: Faith-Based Communities Prioritize Health Concerns.
April 2020, Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco; virtual poster presentation: Research Ministry Ambassadors Training: Community Health Survey Data Collection and New Role as Community Patient Advocates.
April 2021, Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS); poster presentation: The Role of Demographics as a Determinant of Community Health Concerns
October 2021, American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting: P4P Presentations: Faith-based community health survey results shown in data visualization display– Anika Nerella (presenter); and Pastors4PCOR community support hub model: Faith-based communities building linkages with researchers – Dr. Diana Ingram (presenter)
May 2022,
Prevention Science & Methodology Group
Virtual Grand Rounds, Community Engagement and Implementation Science: Challenges and Opportunities
December 2022, IPHAM Population Health Forum and Poster Session Pastors4PCOR (P4P) Community Support HUB
December 2022, IPHAM Population Health Forum and Poster Session Emotional Stability Community Advisory Board (CAB)
March 30 2023
Celebration of Healing
Faith-Based Communities Building Engagement Linkages With Researchers
April 27 2023
Community Emotional Stability Through A Faith-Based Community-Academic Partnership
May 8 2023
2023 Nothing About Us Without Us: Community Research Exchange Conference

Active Community Engagement Projects
Total Resource Community Development Organization has a team of experts ready to provide support and advice for any questions or special requests you may have, so feel free to give us a call if you need.
Building a Roadmap for PCORI/CER Priorities for Communities of Color Living With PTSD
PCORI Eugene Washington Engagement Award (June 2022-May 2024)
Building a Community Support HUB for Connecting Patients, Stakeholders and Researchers
PCORI Eugene Washington Engagement Award (December 2019–November 2021)
Promoting psychological wellbeing through a faith-based community-academic partnership
2021 Northwestern University ARCC Partnership Development seed grant.
Project Healthy Grandmothers: Raising Adolescent Mothers (PHG-RAM) Study to garner the perspectives of caregiving grandmothers who are raising their grandchildren in parent-absent households.
August 2021 – September 2023
Intervention to Reduce CardiovascuLar Disease in Chicago (CIRCLChicago).
Part of the NIH national DECIPHeR (Disparities Elimination through Coordinated Interventions to Prevent and Control Heart and Lung Disease Risk) initiative.
Awards, Leadership & Partnership
The 2017 award acknowledges the efforts of the exemplary partnership between Paris Davis, PhD and a collaborative partnership of 12 churches serving underrepresented populations in Chicago and South Suburban areas and their congregants, community health advocates, health system providers, and academic health researchers at Northwestern University
" .. something that many people need to learn from you honestly. is how it has come together, you took the entire team [during HUB training] in their mindset and changed their thinking, which is the hardest thing to do ... changing the thinking is where changing of behavior comes in, so you guys have a secret there." (Worry Free Community CAB community stakeholder)
2017 ARCC Community-Engaged Research Partnership Award, Northwestern University.
2022 ARCC Community-Engaged Research Partnership Award, Northwestern University.
Worry Free Community 2020-2021 Training Partnership as part of PCORI Engagement Award: Equipping Muslims with PCOR Based, Action-Oriented Research Tools [EMPART]
TRCDO/P4P Articles
TRCDO/P4P Completed Research Engagement Experience
2017- 2019
Pastors4PCOR Facilitator Training
Pastors4PCOR Facilitator Training for Research Ministry Ambassadors. This manual is designed to provide instructions and insights for developing Faith-based Research Ambassadors equipped with the skills needed to engage researchers and their communities in community based health studies. Read for Free.
In Chicagoland, ADAPTABLE is an offshoot of CAPriCORN. We’re implementing a recruitment strategy that engages patients during office visits as well as in non-clinical settings in underserved communities. Community recruitment partners include Sinai Urban Health Institute and Pastors 4 PCOR.
For more information, visit
Community-Initiated Research Engagement
Johnson R, Ingram D, Gordon S, Davis P, Greer-Smith R. Community-initiated research engagement: Equitable partnership delivering research-ready faith-based ambassadors. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. (14.2) Summer 2020.