Utilities and Energy Assistance
If your situation is an emergency, select the prompt(s) that apply to you. If your situation is not an emergency, scroll down for more information
All services are free of charge! For more information, contact the office at (773) 881-7710 Monday thru Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM.
I Have Received a Disconnection Notice and I Need Help
Please collect the materials listed below, and call to make an appointment as soon as you can.
A driver’s license or state-issues ID; or passport; Matricula also accepted
Social Security cards for each person in the household
Proof of income for the previous 3 months prior to intake date (rfor all household members 18 years and older)
Lease or utility bill as proof of residence if ID does not match current address
A copy of the Disconnection Notice
I Have Received a Cutoff Notice and I Need Help
Please collect the materials listed below, and call to make an appointment as soon as you can.
A driver’s license or state-issues ID; or passport; Matricula also accepted
Social Security cards for each person in the household
Proof of income for the previous 3 months prior to intake date (rfor all household members 18 years and older)
Lease or utility bill as proof of residence if ID does not match current address
A copy of the Cutoff Notice
We assist eligible Cook County residents with their home heating and cooling costs as well as Emergency Furnace Repair. The following programs are available: Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP)*, Furnace Assistance, and Peoples Gas Share the Warmth.
TRCDO is Qualified to Help with the Following Programs:
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is designed to assist income eligible households pay their Electric and Gas Services bills.
Direct Vendor Payment (DVP)/Reconnection Assistance (RA)
DVP/RA is designed to assist income-eligible households with energy services in the form of a one-time benefit payment to the utility companies.
Furnace Assistance
Furnace Assistance is designed to restore the home’s heating system back to a safe and effective operation.
Peoples Gas Share the Warmth Program
The Share the Warmth (STW) Program is a matching grant program funded by Peoples Gas, its employees and customers, and the City of Chicago to assist low-income families and individuals who are having problems paying their heating gas bills.